Al Shrier’s Briefcase – he was never seen without it, and various press credentials, and bobblehead doll
Posts By: zjs32
Temple University Hall of Fame Plaque
Awarded to Al Shrier in 1984
Woman of the Year
Awarded to Estelle Goldstein in 1956 by the Police Athletic League
Basketball Trophy for 1930-31 Season
Awarded to Helen Goldstein (nee Joseph)
Basketball Trophy for 1948-49 Season
Awarded to Estelle Goldstein
Warm-up Jacket and Maccabiah Medals
Jacket worn by Estelle Goldstein along with various Maccabiah medals awarded to her
11th Maccabiah Games Basketball Trophies
Awarded to Estelle Goldstein for 2nd place in the 1981 games
USA Marching Jacket, Shirt and Tie
Worn by Frank Greenberg in the 12th Maccabiah games in 1985
USA Basketball Coaching Staff Shirt
Worn by Estelle Goldstein in the 13th Maccabiah games in 1989
Swimming Trophies and Medals
Awards to Doris Dannenhirsch Beshunsky from various swimming events